
Hammerfight mod
Hammerfight mod

hammerfight mod

The main titles are read out prior to each Arena fight. Badass Boast: As you defeat enemies in the arenas and perform various feats (smashing many pieces of armour, etc.) you gain some fairly impressive titles.And it's on a long chain, so you can't defend with it and a slight miss will leave your intended target unharmed while throwing you forcefully against their weapon. However, due to its weight, once you've swung it, you have very little control over where it goes. The heaviest weapon in the game, capable of destroying an armoured machine in two or three normal hits. Sometimes it misfires, and it can have some undesirable recoil (particularly if you're next to a wall, the bounce can stun you for a bit), but other times you can disarm an enemy with the force of the shot, inflict an Armor-Piercing Attack, or simply send them hurtling offscreen into the nearest solid object. They have exceptionally fickle fuses, sometimes detonating at the lightest touch, and other times letting you catch them on your weapon and sling them back at the enemy who fired them. It can fire three slow-moving, explosive rockets between reloading. Whisper, a sort of rocket/grenade launcher.Awesome, but Impractical: Many of the weapons, especially the guns, though with practice they can become Difficult, but Awesome instead.Audible Sharpness: Heard whenever a hit is scored with a slashing weapon.Of particular note, one splash screen has a quote from Ephesians 4:26-"In your anger do not sin do not let the sun go down while you are still angry." This appears to lean on the fourth wall given it works as an admonishment of several vengeance-driven characters throughout the story, as well as the player, given the game's reputation for being Nintendo Hard. As the Good Book Says.: Verses from The Bible are used as some of the Epigraphs in-game, usually without the verse number.You get all sorts of fancy titles too, for various feats, achievements and suchlike. Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Your many-titled enemies are suggested to have fought and won many battles to get where they are.Let's just say that the Giant Flyers and Floating Continents should be your first clue that Helaat, the world of Hammerfight, isn't reality as you know it, rather than complaining how unrealistic it all is.


Artistic License – Physics: Justified by an explanation by Seraph.He simply didn't care he had to send an entire tribe of innocent humans into the abyss, locking them away along with the beasts, just because they were in the way. He did his job, and he did it well, splitting a chunk of the Family off from itself as ordered. Is a Crapshoot: Seraph, potential end-boss of the game. Other Riders will usually beg you to spare them in this state-if you oblige *these* Riders and kill them, they'll explode and do considerable damage to you. Later, especially in Arena matches, you'll come across enemy Riders who will taunt you into killing them if they have a sliver of health left.You've to keep them away from your escort and take them out with a precise blow to the head, lest they blow up. You first encounter these in the form of giant explosive hornets during an Escort Mission.Action Bomb: Some enemies will explode when destroyed.Konstantin later expressed interest in making a direct sequel to Hammerfight in the game's Steam discussion forums. In 2015, Konstantin announced a ( confirmed ) prequel to Hammerfight- HighFleet, updates to which are available on his YouTube channel and Twitter account. Not related to Hammertime, although it could hurt you just as bad. Just what will this rookie Rider take into battle? A giant rock on a chain-and that's just the starter weapon. The young Gaiar has many life-changing ordeals ahead of him-starting with The Empire declaring a war of extermination on the his people in order to fulfill an ancient oath by Cyrus Arguseed. A young member of the House of Gaiar as he begins his training as a Rider-those who can pilot flying machines, particularly for war. A 2009 physics-based action game (previously known as Hammerfall) made by Konstantin Koshutin, Hammerfight is set in the world of Helaat.

Hammerfight mod